Being home a lot more, I started to look at my backyard in a different way. We are lucky to have the space and I felt like so much of it was not being used and it seemed like such a waste. I had recently watched the documentary The Biggest Little Farm and was beyond inspired! (If you haven't seen it, stop everything and watch it now). While we don't have the space for a farm (...yet), we do have the space for a garden...I'm talking fruits and vegetable garden. My mind was made up. I pitched the idea to my husband...imagine a backyard with a labyrinth of garden boxes overflowing with beautiful plants and vegetables. We can grow our own food! It will be magical! It didn't take long for him to acquiesce and shortly thereafter be fully on board the #freedomgarden garden train. Now, we just needed garden boxes...
XOXO Meeshie

You can of course buy garden box kits online but we needed specific sizes so we decided making them ourselves was the best option. After some research, we found that the best wood to use is either cedar or redwood. Both stand the test of time and are rot resistant. A little more money on the front end to last you years. The construction is simple! To build one 2' x 4' garden box you will need the following cuts of wood and supplies:
Qty 4 - 1 foot sections of 4"x4" wood posts
Qty 4 - 2 foot sections of 2"x6" wood planks
Qty 4 - 4 foot sections of 2"x6" wood planks
4" wood screws
Power drill
Power saw (if you don't have one many times lumber yards and even Home Depot will make the cuts for you for a small fee.)

Now that you have all your supplies, the construction is simple. Set out your frame on a flat surface. The (4) 4"x4" pieces are your frame supports. Place them standing upright creating a 2x4 rectangle (as if you were to connect the dots to create a rectangle).

Now that your frame is in place, attach the wood planks with wood screws (two screws at each end of each plank attaching them to the 4x4 wood posts on the interior. You will repeat this process for the bottom row of planks and top row of planks.

Once done, flip it over and voila! You have built your own garden box!! It's ready to place and fill with soil so you can get to planting!

Meeshie's Freedom Garden Box Tips:
Cedar or Redwood are best! Both withstand rot and will stand the test of time.
If you don't have the tools to make the wood cuts yourself, ask your lumber yard or even Home Depot to do it for you. It runs about 30 cents per cut and can save you a whole lot of time!
No room for a garden box? Don't let that stop you! There are tons of things that can be grown in small containers and do quite well like tomatoes, herbs, all types of peppers and even lettuce and eggplant!
Use good soil! This one is our favorite - Fox Farms Soil